My brother made this one right before autumn and I luckily remembered it and was able to take photos. This was the first time I had cold noodles- better yet cold noodles with apples, pomegranate, and tofu! This
1. Package of thick rice noodles (these are seaweed/brown rice noodles)
2. Handful of pomegranate seeds
3. Sriracha sauce- keep this aside for later use.
4. Wasabi sauce, but you can use dried wasabi peas on the top if you prefer
5. Cabbage- thinly sliced until you have a handful
6. Baked tofu with a fresh herb sauce:
Pinch of Salt
2 or 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
Squeeze of sesame oil
4 tablespoons of Sriracha
Any chopped fresh herbs you want- Basil? Cilantro? Parsley? Almost anything works.
7. 1 lime
FIRST, make the tofu:
Make the sauce for the tofu by blending all of the ingredients and cover tofu in it. You can let this sit on the tofu to get the flavor in there or simply cover the tofu in this and bake it now. Heat your oven to 400 degrees. Cut the tofu in to cute and tiny lil' cubes and press a few paper towels over it to drain the juices. Place on a greased baking pan and cover it in the sauce. Once the oven hits 400, place the pan into the oven and leave alone for 15-20 minutes. Pull out and flip, leave in for another 10-15 minutes. While you're waiting, do the noodles.
Now the noodles:
Start boiling water for your noodles. Add a little sesame oil and a small pinch of salt into the water. Follow the packages cooking instructions from there. Dump into a bowl and place into the fridge for now.
Slice the apple as you see in the photo, into little circles. You can cut those circles in half and leave some circle, or do them all in half. Whatever you want- just get the apple cut. Slice the pomegranate in half and spoon its guts and blood into a bowl next to the apples.
Plating/Putting Together:
Take the noodles out of the fridge and place into a bowl/bowls. Squeeze the sriracha any way you want to over the bowl.
IF using wasabi sauce: move over the noodles to an indent on 1/3 of the bowl squeeze it over this. Place the tofu on top. Add the apples next to/incorporated into that. Add the cabbage slices into a little teepee and use a handful of the pomegranate seeds over this. Avoid the tofu so it doesn't look to crowded.
IF using wasabi peas, place the tofu on one of the side and cover the entire bowl or around the tofu with the peas. Add the cabbage in a little teepee and cover the rest of the bowl with pomegranate- avoiding the tofu.
Squeeze the lime over alllll of this.
Enjoy dude!